Sunday, April 5, 2009

No time!

For anything! I have about 7 television series to finish or catch up on, 5 recordings that are half-assed and incomplete, and please don't take a step into my room right now... You'll probably break something important. Unless I show you the 4 step technique, and your feet are smaller than mine. I kind of have it perfected at this point, 4 spotless areas in my room that are big enough for my feet to step in. Other than that, chaos.

I probably picked a bad time to start a blog, to tell the truth. But I'm going to TRY to keep on plugging away. But I do have several themed posts planned to give you a little insight into my life, so I hope all 3 of you that keep up with me are excited about that! For my next post I'm going to try and find 10 or so albums and do a "10 albums that I love that you would probably never guess" post. Also, if you twitter, (which I am just now getting around to starting ((which probably also proves how out of touch I am,))) (did I really have to put three there? Guess so.) check out Michael Ian Black's tweets. That guy is gold. Love him.

Back to studying. Erg, Midterm II for me government class is tomorrow. Yes, I have two midterms. Stupid.

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited about the 10 albums. Really.


    Happy second midterm... [what the hell is that, anyway!?]
