Monday, March 9, 2009

Something's fishy...

And it's mostly my meals these days. Seeing as how I've decided to give up meat for awhile. Other than fish. Go 'head, be the 38th person that's asked me if it's for lent. I dare you.

It's not.

Truth is, I decided to do it, then went to Quizno's to get one of their (pretty damn good) veggie sandwiches, only to see people with ash crosses on their foreheads walking around. Ash Wednesday? Certainly. What are the odds? Well I'm better than these people and I'm going to prove it with my actions- like continuing to give up my favorite earthly desire far longer than them. Like a day or something.

In other me-related news. Melated news?

I found a smilie face sticker. Had to suppress the inner nerd in me from grabbing my red sharpie and drawing the Watchmen blood drip on it. Was successful. But wasn't successful at preventing myself from wearing it in roughly the same place the Comedian wore his, for awhile. Then I realized I looked like a douche.

I also need a new name for the blog. Yes, already. I know how clever and original my current title is, but I need something else.

Oh, and my beloved T.O. has been traded to the Buffalo Bills. I really did like him. And he always gave the best quotes. Including the most recent, regarding his trade from the Dallas Cowboys to the Bills. Which I'll end the blog on.

"I'm leaving America's team to come to North America's team."


  1. Daniel, you have forgotten the biggest part of the T.O. deal. He wasn't traded, and the Cowboys as usual were too stupid to get anything in return.

  2. "Melated." I like it.

    I didn't give anything up. I took on positive thought. I'm not really doing mine for Lent, either. It was simply easier to present it that way...more understandable. I'm hoping for permanent improvement.

    Who dared you to give up meat!? And, GOD WHY! :P
